The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, along with Caltrans, is in the process of preparing an EIS/EIR for the 710 North Gap Project. For decades, the agencies have considered ways to connect the 710 and 210 freeways. The voters of Los Angeles County approved $780 million in sales tax revenues for the project as part of Measure R. The Draft EIS/EIR for the project considers four build alternatives to close the gap. After the public comment period on the EIS/EIR, Metro’s Board identified the Transportation Systems Management/Transportation Demand Management alternative as its preferred alternative and allocated Measure R funds for the alternative. The City of Rosemead filed suit alleging that Metro’s identification of a preferred alternative and allocation of funds constituted premature “approval” of a project prior to completing the CEQA process. The Los Angeles Superior Court rejected Rosemead’s claims. Tiffany Wright and Laura Harris represent Metro.