Governor Brown signed over 80 environmental, energy, and land use bills into law at the end of the 2012 legislative cycle. This is a selective list of key bills of general applicability, effective January 1, 2013.
AB 890 (Olsen, Perea) adds section 21080.37 to the Public Resources Code, exempting from CEQA until 2016 the repair, maintenance, and minor alterations of existing roadways, provided the proposed project is initiated by a city or county to improve public safety, does not cross a waterway, and involves negligible or no expansion of an existing use. AB 890 applies to municipalities of less than 100,000 people.
AB 1665 (Galgiani) adds section 21080.14 to the Public Resources Code, exempting closure of railroad grade crossings from CEQA for public safety reasons, in accordance with the California Public Utilities Commission’s regulations.
AB 2245 (Smyth) modifies section 21090.20.5 of the Public Resources Code, exempting from CEQA until 2018 projects that consist of restriping of streets and highways for bicycle lanes in an urbanized area that is consistent with a city or county bicycle transportation plan. The exemption requires the lead agency to follow specified notice and traffic impact assessment requirements, including additional public review.
AB 2564 (Ma) adds section 21080.21 to the Public Resources Code, and exempts pipeline safety projects under one mile in length from CEQA, per specified requirements.
SB 972 (Simitian) amends sections 21083.9 and 21092.2, and repeals section 21162 of the Public Resources Code, requiring lead agencies to provide written notice of scoping meetings and notices of completion of EIRs and other CEQA determinations to local agencies, upon written request. SB 972 ensures that local agencies will receive the same convenient access to information as individuals and organizations.
Climate Change
AB 296 (Skinner) adds section 18941.9 to the Health and Safety Code and adds Part 5 to Division 34 of the Public Resources Code to require Caltrans to develop a standard specification for sustainable or cool pavements that can be used to reduce the urban heat island effect. AB 296 also requires the California Building Standards Commission to consider incorporating that specification as an additional strategy in the California Green Building Standards Code.
SB 1066 (Lieu) adds section 31113 to the Public Resources Code to authorize the State Coastal Conservancy to address the impacts of climate change on resources within its jurisdiction.
AB 2196 (Chesboro) amends section 25741 of the Public Resources Code, and adds section 399.12.6 to the Public Utilities Code to expand the eligibility of biofuels under the California Public Utilities Commission and the California Energy Commission’s renewable energy resource and electricity generation programs.
SB 1222 (Leno) adds Chapter 7.5, commencing with section 66015, to the Government Code to place limitations and restrictions on the permit fees charged by a city or country for residential and commercial rooftop solar energy systems.
SB 1122 (Rubio) amends section 399.20 of the Public Utilities Code to require the California Public Utilities Commission to procure specified generating capacity from bioenergy projects that commence operation after June 2013.
SB 1268 (Pavley) amends section 25411, 25415, 25421, 25443, and 25449.4 and adds section 25412.5 and 25442.8 to the Public Resources Code, extending programs for grants and loans to local governments and public institutions from the California Energy Commission to maximize energy use savings from January 2013 to January 2018. SB 1268 also improves the loan program to local governments by reducing interest rates, and encouraging equitable distribution of loans statewide with an emphasis on disadvantaged communities.
High Speed Rail
AB 16 (Perea) adds section 185036.1 to the Public Utilities Code, encouraging the High Speed Rail Authority to acquire equipment manufactured in California.
Land Use
SB 1094 (Kehoe) amends sections 65965, 65966, 65967 and 65968 of the Government Code to comprehensively modify provisions for state conservation trust land and mitigation agreement programs.
Planning and Local Government
AB 1585 (J. Perez) amends section 34176 of the Health and Safety Code to appropriate $50 million in disencumbered Prop 1C bonds and future disencumbered funds for the Infill Infrastructure Program and the Transit-Oriented Development Program.
AB 685 (Eng) adds section 106.3 to the Water Code, requiring state water policy to consider use of water for domestic purposes as the highest use.
AB 1650 (Portantino) adds section 768.6 to the Public Utilities Code, requiring the California Public Utilities Commission to set standards for local government emergency preparedness plans and for utilities to adopt these plans.
AB 1750 (Solorio) amends section 7027.5 of the Business and Professions Code and adds part 2.4 to the Water Code, allowing landscape contractors to install rainwater capture systems and clarifying that rainwater systems do not require water rights permits.
For a complete list of bills signed into law at the end of 2012, please see “The 2012 New Laws Report,” available at For a more complete summary of environmental, energy, climate change and land use bills that passed the Legislature, not all of which were signed by the Governor, please see The Governor’s Office of Planning and Research Legislative Bill Summary, available at